Friday, October 1, 2010

Why I didn't do a blog this week.

Here’s the deal. I have nothing to write about. I should probably write about the Primus show I saw last night at the Burton, but I really can’t come up with anything more to say except that it was awesome, and I soiled a perfectly good pair of jeans,
I just couldn’t be bothered this week to do the blog assignment. It’s a combination of being extremely tired, busy with other work and quite frankly not really giving a damn. 
Everything went downhill when I had an 11 o’clock hockey game at the Highlander on Monday. The thing is, it’s not like you can just come home after a game of hockey and go to bed. It doesn’t work like that.  You’re still pumped up, and if you try you just end up staring at your ceiling. So over the years I have learned to not even bother trying. You need at least 2 hours afterwards to wind down and have something to eat and get tired enough to the point where you can fall asleep. 

If that wasn’t bad enough I fucked myself over even more, by having 3 HOUR NAPS on Tuesday and Wednesday. Completely through off my circadian rhythm.  I love naps. Huge fan. Always have been. But 3 hour naps make you more tired than when you laid down in the first place. You wake up disoriented and cranky, and usually have to wait another hour or so before you can do anything.  And of course, you can’t fall asleep when it is time to go to bed, so you end up staying up until 2 or 3 in the morning and the cycle just continues. 
I’m pretty sure I’ve slept about an average of 4 1/2 hours a night.  So the second I post this, I’m loading up the Leaf game, curling up on the couch and passing out until tomorrow. Good Night.